80 year old with decreased urine output

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 


 ROLL NO 145 

 I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

December 14, 2021.


A 80 year old male patient came to the casualty with the chief complaints of 

  • burning micturition since 15 days
  • fever since 5 days 
  • decreased urine output since 4 days, 
  • Hematuria for 3 days

History of present illness

  •  Patient was apparently normal 8 years back then he had pain abdomen which was associated with fever and vomitings and he was diagnosed with Liver abscess and needle aspiration was done.
  • Then 4 years back patient developed a blister over right ankle which ruptured and formed an ulcer and cellulitis debridement was done. 
  • Since 15 days the patient complaints of burning micturition which was associated with fever, nausea, vomitings.
  • Fever since 4-5 days which was intermittent and not associated with chills and rigors. No aggravating factors but reduced on taking medication.
  • The patient also complaints of on and off edema in the legs.
  • The patient had hematuria after insertion of Foley's catheter and it reduced later.
  • No h/o loose stools, facial edema

Past history

  • Not a known case of HTN, DM, Asthma, epilepsy.
Personal history

  • Diet - Veg
  • Appetite - Normal
  • Sleep - Adequate
  • Bowel movement - Regular
  • Bladder movement - decreased with burning sensation.
  • Addictions - None                    

General examination :

The patient was examined in a well lit room after taking consent.

  • Patient is drowsy but arousable.
  • He is thin built and malnourished.
  • No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, edema and lymphadenopathy.

Vitals :

  • Temp : Afebrile
  • BP : 100/60 mm Hg
  • PR : 86 bpm
  • RR : 22  cpm
  • GRBS : 100 mg / dl
  • SpO2 : 98 % @ RA

Systemic Examination :

  • CVS : S1S2 + , No murmurs
  • RS : BAE + , NVBS +
  • P/A : Soft , Nontender , BS +
  • CNS : HMF intact
Investigations :

Provisional diagnosis

Uremic encephalopathy

Post renal AKI secondary to vesical calculus. 

Chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis

Prostatomegaly grade 1

Plan of treatment :

  • IVF NS@UO+30ML/H


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