43 year old male with weakness of upper and lower limbs since 2 days

 Introduction: This is an online E-log Entry Blog to discuss, understand and review the clinical scenarios and data analysis of patients so as to develop my clinical competency in comprehending clinical cases, and providing evidence-based inputs.

Note: The cases have been shared after taking consent from the patient/guardian. All names and other identifiers have been removed to secure and respect the privacy of the patient and the family.

Consent: An informed consent has been taken from the patient in the presence of the family attenders and other witnesses as well and the document has been conserved securely for future references. 


A 43 year old male presented to the casualty with complaints of 

  • weakness of both upper and lower limbs since 2 days.

---The patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days ago, when he developed swelling in both lower limbs and face for which he went to Osmania hospital.

---After investigations, he was diagnosed to have End stage kidney disease. 

--- 6 Sessions of dialysis was done in Osmania hospital (Done alternate days). The patient was fine after these sessions.

--- On 22-07-23, after the 7th dialysis session, the patient couldn't stand or walk but the doctor told the attenders that it was because of the long dialysis session and discharged the patient.

--- On 23-07-23, the patient still couldn't stand or walk and also had sluggish speech so the patient was taken back to Osmania hospital. The patient wasn't taken care of properly so the attenders shifted him to a private hospital in Alwal.

--- On 23-07-23, (S. creat - 7mg/dl) one session of dialysis was done in the private hospital. The patient was coherent but still couldn't move his lower limbs.

--- On 24-07-23, central line of the patient was removed as it was infected. Due to financial issues, patient was discharged from the hospital. 

--- On 24-07-23, patient was brought to our casuality with weakness of both upper and lower limbs. 

Past history

  • Patient is a k/c/o DM - 2 since 10 years. He was using Tab. Metformin 500mg PO/BD. Since last 15 days, patient is using Inj. Mixtard 8U ---- 6U
  • Patient also has HTN (denovo) since 15 days, using Tab. Nicardia 20mg  
  • Patient is not a k/c/o epilepsy, cad, asthma.
Personal history 

  • Appetite - normal
  • Mixed diet; 
  • Regular bowel and bladder movements;
  • Sleep adequate
  • No known allergies, 
  • Alcoholic since 6 years (consumes 70-90ml 3 to 4 times a week) Stopped 2 months ago.

General examination 

Patient is drowsy, not oriented to time, place and person.

After 4 hours, the patient was oriented. 

Pallor present

No signs of icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, edema, lymphadenopathy.

Vitals on admission :

BP - 90/60mmhg

PR - 100bpm

RR - 20cpm

SpO2 - 95% on RA

GRBS - 113mg/dl

Temp - 99.8 F

Systemic examination

CVS - S1, S2 heard, no murmurs

RS - BAE +, NVBS heard

PA - soft, non tender

CNS - 

Tone         R                          L

UL        increased       increased

LL        increased       increased

Power  - Unable to elicit

Reflexes         R                  L

Biceps             -                   -   

Triceps           -                   -

Supinator      -                   -

Knee               -                   -

Ankle             -                   -

Plantar      Extension  Extension 

Provisional diagnosis

CKD with Diabetic nephropathy (Grade III)


With DM - II and HTN

Investigations :

On 07-07-23 :

On 23-07-23 (done in the private hospital)

Serum Creatinine - 7mg/dl

Blood urea - 156mg/dl

Na + 133mmol/L

K+ 2.3mmol/L

Ca+2 7.9mg/dl

Cl- 105mmol/L

On 24-07-23 (in our hospital) :

Serum creatinine - 4.3 mg/dl

Blood urea - 67mg/dl

On 25-07-23

FBS - 121mg/dl

HBA1C - 6.8%


Blood for MP strip - Negative 

On 26-07-23

Treatment :

24-07-23 :

1. Fluid restriction (<1Lt/day)
2. Salt restriction (<2g/day)
3. Inj. Meropenem 1gm IV/BD
4. Inj. Clindamycin 600mg IV/TID
5. Inj. Epo 4000 IU SC once weekly
6. Inj. HAI according to GRBS SC TID
7. Tab. Nodosis 500mg PO/BD
8. Tab. Shelcal CT PO/OD
9. Stop Anti HTN medication until further notice
10. 7 point GRBS monitoring
11. Syp. Potchlor 15ml in 1glass of water PO/BD

25-07-23 :

1. Fluid restriction (<1Lt/day)
2. Salt restriction (<2g/day)
3. Inj. Meropenem 1gm IV/BD
4. Inj. Clindamycin 600mg IV/TID
5. Inj. Epo 4000 IU SC once weekly
6. Inj. HAI according to GRBS SC TID
7. Tab. Nodosis 500mg PO/BD
8. Tab. Shelcal CT PO/OD
9. 7 point GRBS monitoring
10. Syp. Potchlor 15ml in 1glass of water PO/BD

Opthal referral done on 25-07-23 :

Patient has weakness in both his legs.
One fever spike +
O: Patient's sensorium improved after dialysis 
Temp : 98.6F
Bp: 110/70 mmhg
PR: 86bpm 
RR: 32 cpm
SPO2: 98% on RA
GRBS: 116 mg/dl (4U HAI given) 
INPUT - 900ml
CVS: S1 S2+ , no murmurs heard
RS: Bilateral air entry+, NVBS heard
P/A: Soft, no organomegaly, bowel sounds heard 
Power       R.        L
UL.            4/5.    4/5
LL.             2/5.    2/5

UL.        Normal   normal 
LL.     Decreased. Decreased 

Biceps.        ++.      ++
Triceps.      . -         -
Supinator.    -         -
Knee.             -         -
Ankle.           -          -
Plantar Extensor. Extensor

A: CKD - Diabetic nephropathy (Class - III)
Septic shock with altered sensorium secondary to ?septic encephalopathy
K/C/O DM - 2 since 15 years
K/C/O HTN since 20 days

1. Inj. Meropenem 500mg IV/BD
2. Inj. Clindamycin 600mg IV/TID
3. Inj. EPO 4000 IU SC once weekly
4. Inj. HAI SC/TID acc to GRBS
5. Tab. Nodosis 500mg BD
6. Tab. Shelcal CT OD
7. Syp. Potchlor 15ml in glass of water PO/TID
8. Tab. Lasix 20mg BD if SBP >110mmhg

Recovery video :


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